- NUS Yong Loo Lin, Duke-NUS and TTSH-NTU - |
I am currently revamping and re-organising my website, mainly by splitting the "School" part into various sections for different target audiences. This page contains information and advice for pre-medical students. All the advice previously found on the old "school" page will be temporarily moved here until I find the time to break them down into the various subsections below. Whether you are an A-level or IB student wanting to get into NUS, or already have that first degree and want to apply to Duke-NUS Graduate Medical School, or are some ambitious far-sighted secondary school or JC student (or kiasu parent ;-) aiming for the upcoming TTSH-NTU Imperial College route, this page is for you. This page contains a mixture of personal advice (from an era long ago when there was only 1 medical school and an annual intake of 150 students, and therefore unfortunately likely outdated), stories from more recent applicants, and external links to official sites. Of these naturally only the last is to be trusted. But if along the way you find mistakes, or want to add stories of your own, I would love it if you could email me here!! |
Why Medicine? | Applying to Med Sch | External links |
National University of Singapore (NUS) NTU-Imperial College London Duke-NUS Other Sites |
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Referencing: Please reference this site as per your institutional/journal instructions. Include the publication date and the date you visited the site. e.g.: Tan, Gerald. | |
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